#MILLSUMMIT 2022 Profile: Nick Martin

Nick Martin is co-founder and chief operating officer of Wilmington, DE-based Carbon Reform, creator of the Carbon Capsule, a modular CO2 capture device that helps eco- and health-conscious building owners reduce carbon dioxide and contaminant levels from their ventilation and save energy on heating and cooling by up to 40%.

Nick, who will be part of the Profit with a Purpose panel on Aug. 2, has a degree in chemical engineering from the University of Delaware and is a 2020 graduate of Leadership Delaware. He has spent the last 10 years working with Delaware nonprofits and social impact organizations, which have refined his aptitude for business development, capital fundraising, and grant writing. 

Nick’s background in renewable energy research, chiefly in biofuels and solar energy, has led to funding from the U.S. State Department’s Mandela Washington Fellowship, to travel to Lagos, Nigeria where he worked with a team to deploy a solar energy community center run by the women of the village. Carbon Reform was also one of five winners or Orange Silicon Valley’s Decarbonization Challenge in April.

Session Description: "Profit with Purpose: Is making a real-world impact a realistic business goal?” During this session, impact-driven entrepreneurs will explore solutions for maintaining a double bottom line (fiscal performance and social impact) while creating a long-lasting, positive social impact.

What You Hope People Will Take from the Session:

1.    Creating a triple bottom line (adding in environment impact) is even possible if you are not strictly an environmental company

2.    It is never too early in your company's journey to start making an impact 

What’s the biggest problem facing millennials? Climate change, but to be clear, that's the biggest problem facing all generations now. If we do not deal with this existential threat properly, all the other problems will magnify.

What’s the question you wish more people would ask themselves? Am I living my best life? 

What’s the last book that blew you away? “Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It" by Christopher Voss and Tahl Raz

When was the first time you realized you had the power of change or the power to do something meaningful? By the age of 25 I had unfortunately experienced the unexpected passing of both my mother and father. As the oldest sibling in my family, I was thrust into a world of making major life decisions while trying to grapple with grief. Going through this experience taught me I had the "power to change" my own mindset. Instead of remaining in a state of despair, I used the experience to strengthen my resiliency and make the most out of my life.

What advice would you give your younger self? Where were you at that time? Being different is your superpower - embrace it. I was a nerdy queer kid in small-town Massachusetts and would often get bullied for being different. Little did I know that my inability to conform would lead me into this amazingly fulfilling life of entrepreneurship and social impact work. 

When you feel overwhelmed, distracted, or lose your focus, what do you do? Hang out with friends! They keep me grounded and remind me what is important in life. 

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten (and who was it from)? Everything happens for a reason - my mom. :). It’s also my go-to mantra for difficult times.

What are the open tabs in your browser right now? This email tab and my calendar. I am all about keeping minimal tabs - ask my business partner!


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